Are you smart, thoughtful and generous? If you are, I consider your the sexiest thing in theeee whole entire world.
It’s not surprising when I say that our society can be pretty dang materialistic. It’s natural, we tend to admire beautiful and physically attractive people (blame evolution for that). This speech by the wonderful Ashton Kutcher challenges that. We’ll take a look today at why he’s right and why everything else is straight BS.
Being smart, generous and thoughtful will lead to…
….more self-love and confidence
Sometimes it feels like all we focus on is the materialistic side of things. As a society, we need to focus more on investing in ourselves because that’ll last much longer than any style or makeup product could. No need to just be beautiful on the outside; leave a mark and start creating your legacy. That’ll change the world for the better. The most influential people in history are respected and loved because of their intellectual and generous mindsets.
…. the happiest of relationships.
Whether it’s with your pet poodle, boyfriend, girlfriend, teacher, co-worker, or lunch lady—being a thoughtful and generous person cultivates healthy relationships. And if you think I’m wrong, ask anyone who aren’t those things and see how their relationships are going. If we’re talking about relationships, looks only get you through the initial first dates and honeymoon stage. It’s important to look good in order to feel good but do it for the purpose of making yourself happy and nobody else. When you invest in yourself and take ownership of your own happiness, you will build confidence and that will naturally attract the very best. Taking care of yourself first allows you to be generous with your time and energy.
….immunity to any negativity
When you’re busy building yourself and others up, there is absolutely NO time to slow down and dwell over a negative comment. When you’re focused on your goals and building your dream life, you learn about what’s really important. You start gaining letting go of anything that only brings you down. It’s all about cultivating so much happiness in your life that it’s impossible for you to trip up over someone or something that doesn’t support you 100%. Overall, you give less F’s about the little hiccups because your too busy focusing on the grand picture. No matter what, listen to your own voice and let nothing come in your way.
In my eyes, the sexiest people are the ones who are brave enough to step outside of their comfort zones, the ones who aren’t afraid to go against the crowd, the ones you lead by example, the ones who embrace their flaws, the ones who take initiative, the ones who enrich themselves with positive experiences, the ones who choose to be smart, generous, and thoughtful. So keep that in mind next time you think that you aren’t sexy, because I bet $100 that you are.
Thanks for reading! Leave a comment below and tell me what your idea of sexy is (is it a boyfriend cooking, a passionate professor, or someone who’s fearless?).