What a time to be alive…
A little sarcasm there but really, these are beyond wild, unprecendented, unpredictable times. I’m the type to not sit around and watch sad news all day. I think it’s important to be informed but I also think that it’s unhealthy to let it consume our lives. I think it’s even more important for us to focus on our mental and physical health during this time more than anything. Fill your cup up so YOU can contribute your best self to the world. You can’t serve others, create solutions, elevate the situation by being in a perpetual state of anxiety, helplessness and overwhelm. That isn’t doing any good to you or anyone else. So with that being said, this post is about looking on the bright side. I understand that my situation is not the case for everyone. So my heart goes out to those who are majorly impacted by COVID-19. Our frontline workers and those who don’t have a stable home life to hunker down in… you’ve been constantly on my heart. I wish I could help everyone. But that’s not possible, so we must control the controllables. Which are our mindset and actions.
So with that disclaimer shared, let’s dive into the 5 things that this quarantine has taught me so far.
1. Health is everything
I’ve always been someone who’s been extra conscientious of my health. But until this pandemic, my awareness of my health and others skyrocketed. I find myself praying for the health of my family, friends, peers, team and community members more than I’ve before. I think it’s because at the end of the day, if we aren’t mentally and physically well, nothing can flourish in our lives. So that’s something I’m never going to take for granted again.
2. Family & relationships are so important
I’m an introvert (no question, no doubt about it) so this whole stay-at-home thing was not a big transition for me. I was already working and spending a lot of time at home (because yes, it’s my happy place). But that doesn’t mean that it’s been easy. The saying “you want what you can’t have” is so true right now.. I’ve been finding myself craving IRL connections and daydreaming about the day when I get to go out to be with family, friends & peers. I also really miss being able to meet new people. I yearn for family birthday parties, girls night outs, double dates, networking events, co-working spaces, busy coffee shops, pedicures, the library, gym, yoga classes and so much more. It’s beautiful spending time at home (and healing in many ways) but I can’t help but feel an emptiness. I know that this too shall pass so it’s all about doing the best with what our situation is right now.
3. Kindness is what will save this planet
I’ve been so inspired by the acts of kindness that I’ve witnessed through my social media feeds. It’s easy to close up and stay guarded but to show up with kindness and service takes effort and courage. Some inspiring acts of seen are folks donating face masks to hospitals, CEO’s donating their salaries, neighbors having birthday car parades, small businesses giving back and so much more. It’s incredible and moving to witness such great acts of love. I’m also impressed by our team. We were able to donate over 60+ Coconut Whisk packages and to this day, I don’t think I’ve done anything more satisfying in our business. And that’s the energy I want to focus on after quarantine and beyond. That kindness is what will change and heal the world.
4. Material things or status does not matter
We’re going to leave the world empty-handed. We’re not immortal. This virus doesn’t care who you are. We are all human beings who need basics (food, water, shelter). The humbling thought of this reminds me that we are all truly ONE. Your skin color, political views, age, social status, economic status, gender etc does not matter. We are all united and interconnected in the fight against this. And in general, this reminds me of what my real priorities are. It’s not about accumulating new clothes, cars, gadgets, it’s about the bonding and memories built with people. My parents and I would constantly talk about how incredible our January 2020 cruise was to the Bahamas and how grateful that we were able to experience COVID. So moral of the story, material things don’t give us the same satisfaction as travel and relationships.
5. Gratitude is key to surviving this thing
Every morning, I wake up and say “thank you, Universe”. I get another chance to love, breathe, explore, grow, learn and be alive. Some people don’t get to see another day. Some folk don’t get another chance to say “i love you” to a loved one. And that’s a heavy thought I give myself permission to acknowledge. This allows me to realize that the small, everyday things are still worthy of gratitude. I’m grateful for puppy kisses in the morning that wake me up, homemade meals, sushine through my windows, cookies baking in the oven, sunset walks with my family, zoom calls, the internet, hot showers, candles that smell like sweet lavender and a phone full of photos and memories. What are you grateful for? Write it down every night in a designated journal. It changes everything.
And that’s a wrap folks. May thing article be a sweet reminder to you that life is short. We have a gift of time right now. That’s the most valuable resource on this planet so make sure to use it in ways that serve you. This too shall pass and when it’s all over, I hope you can look back on this time and be proud of the effort and love that you put into yourself and others.
airdropping you cookies and big hugs,