If you know me, you know that I’m a recovering overachiever. Growing up, I thought that happiness was always something in the distance. Something to constantly push towards. I found pride in myself when I hurdled through a to do list compiled of 25+ things (sup). I HAD to be striving and thriving and changing and moving. But then I hit a brick wall, I literally was so burnt out, I was like “WTF am I doing?”.
So I got still and asked myself– Am I happy? What am I trying to prove? What is it that I’m hoping to accomplish?
Slowing down was the first step.
The second was getting clear on what I really wanted.
I’m here to talk about slowing down today. The act of stepping back and taking a break actually helps you feel ALIVE. It’s not some hassle and inconvenience in your day to day grind.
There will always be MORE— success is how you define it. You feel abundance on your terms. I’m not saying “go easy” and slack off, but it’s about putting things into perspective. We have so much to be grateful for.
According to a Forbes article, “the typical person in the bottom 5 percent of the American income distribution is still richer than 68 percent of the world’s inhabitants” (Worstal, 2013). Now that’s some humbling statistics right there.
So right now, I dare you to write down at least 3 things that you can do that doesn’t involve a result. Just do it because it makes you giddy with pure joy.
Maybe you can eat slower, read a book before bed, sit and listen to your own breathing and give yourself a face mask tonight. Find that space in the day where you are not pursuing “more” but rather just simply enjoying the pursuit of “less but better”.
Remember, you are where you need to be.
Keep moving onward,
Worstall, T. (2013, June 01). Astonishing Numbers: America’s Poor Still Live Better Than Most Of The Rest Of Humanity. Retrieved August 16, 2017, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2013/06/01/astonishing-numbers-americas-poor-still-live-better-than-most-of-the-rest-of-humanity/#4e3f225b54ef