Everything is Figureoutable (2019) provides an optimistic, but also pragmatic philosophy of self-empowerment. While fully recognizing the fact that life is full of difficulties, it encourages us to roll up our sleeves and pursue our dreams anyway. To that end, it teaches us how to counteract our self-limiting beliefs and other self-defeating tendencies, such as letting fear and indecisiveness get the best of us.
Besides reading the Blinkist (summary) to this book, I also actually purchased and read the entire book. I discovered Marie Forleo when I was 17 years old and this gal changed my life. I’m not even exaggerating. From her youtube series to her blogs, she was the one who helped me discover my love of personal development and business. Not only that, I was lucky enough to be her 2019 B-School Scholarship Recipient. Marie embodies everything that I aspire to be. Fierce, confident, bold, savvy and GENEROUS. To put it lightly… I’m a big fan. That’s why I pre-ordered this book and snatched it up right when it released back in September 2019.
I’m so excited to share with you 3 lessons I learned from this book! There’s so many nuggets of wisdom but these are some of my favs! Let jump in!
- Any problem is solvable
limiting beliefs are ideas in our minds that says we can’t solve something. The “everything is figureoutable” philopshy helps us spring into action and look for creative solutions. It’s a pragmatic, instant boost of encouragement that you can use for any situaiton. Instead of letting the problems bring you down into victim mode, it reminds you of your power.
2. let your dreams be bigger than your excuses
we let excuses of not having time, money or resources stop us from a lot of potential new ideas and projects .So I urge you to challenge yourself next time you catch yourself in the middle of an excuse. If there’s a will, there’s a way.
3. fear isn’t your enemy
Sometimes we think that when our palms get sweaty, our hearts start beating, butterflies appear in our tummies, it means that whatever you want to do is a bad idea. It feels like those sensations are telling us to NOT proceed. But what if we looked at it a different way? You see, when you start feeling a bit afraid of doing something; it’s often a sign that the task is important to you. It means you care. With that in mind, reinterpret it as a compass pointing you in the right direction. Fear will never go away, but you can interpret it in a way that serves you.
BONUS: take action despite indecisiveness
This book is just too good so I had to throw in one more lesson in there. Clarity comes from taking action. And it doesn’t have to be a “go big or go home” moment. If you want to start a business, don’t just quite your job and invest your retirement account in it. Start by chatting with an entreneur you admire and respect. The key is to plan and do your research but to not get stuck there, start taking the steps you need to gain some clarity if a certain goal is what you actually want to pursue! Better an “oops” than a “what if”!
I love how pragmatic and insightful this book was. Not only does she give you these life-affirming tips and tricks but she also lays out an entire blueprint for you! The book is filled with worksheets and prompts. So 10/10 recommend you give it a full read or just savor the lessons I shared with you today!
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with love,