“Okay, what now?”
After I walked across that college graduation stage in the Spring of May 2018, I thought to myself this question.
After celebrating the fact that I didn’t trip up the stairs on the way to get my diploma, reality sunk in. Wow, I’m out of college.
I loved college for many reasons, the new friends and peers, the convenience of everything being in a tight-knit, small college town, the constant activities, the faculty, the club meetings, yoga classes that I taughtvolunteer programs, interesting classes, the small studio apartment where Coconut Whisk was started, everything.. but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t excited to graduate.
I knew I was ready to invest all my time into building my dream career and passions. To give you a back story, I went to school for Community Health Education and before I graduated in the Spring of 2018, I launched Coconut Whisk. I know this isn’t the case for most because if I didn’t start a business before college ended, I don’t know what I’d be doing now. I’m glad that I took that leap. And that is what my letter to my 2018 self is devoted to.. taking risk and taking advantage of EVERY opportunity.
Side note: I was inspired to create this blog because my brother graduated from MSU-Mankato this year but due to covid, their graduation ceremony was postponed. This inspired me to reflect and think back to my good ole’ college days and what I’ve learned.
So let’s get to it!
“Dear Bella,
First off, CONGRATS GRAD! You did it, four years of late night study sessions, constant busy-ness and plenty of mistakes later.. you completed your degree (with honors and everything, too)!
Now let me drop some nuggets o’ wisdom here. You know the business you started that had no certainty or guarantees? Yeah, invest your time and effort in that. It’s grueling and it’ll be an uphill battle but oh, the places that this endeavor will take you… you’ll look back in two years and be mega grateful that you took the risk.
That what I want to ingrain in you. Take the risk. Be bold with your dreams. What is it on your heart? What are you even slightly curious about? PURSUE THAT. Make that dream 10x. You have time on your side. And if you show up, share your dreams, you will also have a community of supporters by your side too.
Some day might get lonely and you might feel lost but keep at it. Continue to have your eyes set on your goals and visions. You deserve and abundant, happy and exciting life.
And yes, you’ll be living with mom and dad for a bit but the sacrifices are way worth it. Don’t try to be cool, just invest in yourself.
You can do that through these things:
- build your social media presence and personal brand
- continue to develop your skills in writing & photography
- create videos and share them
- save your money and take time to learn how to manage your finances
- be a saver & investor NOT a spender
- READ and get yourself a blinkist (if you don’t have time to read a full book)
- plan trips that are enlightening (yoga retreats etc)
- invest in online courses and continued education
- get a side job to support yourself while you build your business
- it’s okay to be multi-passionate, embrace it– try a lot of things!
- surround yourself with genuine and impressive people
This is just the beginning for you, don’t let yourself slip. My main wish for you is that you will continue to be bold and take calculated risks, do the unconventional, be different and focus. Life can easily distract you but if you get still and listen… you will know what your next move is. NOW, is the best time for you to live BIG.
I’m so proud of the way you’ve grown and navigated this crazy thing called life so far. Let your heart and soul guide you, lean on good people and have faith that you are on the right path. “
With love,
Bella in 2020
p.s. tell me, have you written a letter to yourself? what was it all about? If not, is this inspiring you to? I realized what a brilliant self-love practice this was. So if you need a little pep in your day, write yourself a letter. It’s so healing and comforting. cheers xo