At least that’s what I used to think…
I think it’s safe to say that sometimes we hold onto old beliefs and identities because we are afraid of judgement, failure or scrutiny. Sure there might be some of that but isn’t that worth it if you free yourself up to change, evolve and grow?
I’m about to enter into my senior year of college and I must say, I am a slightly different person than when I first stepped onto campus as a wide eyed freshmen (I still love green smoothies though). I matured and really found true confidence in myself. That was the result of me showing up with intention and clear visions for myself and who I wanted to be. I didn’t want to be someone who just went out every weekend, I knew I had more to offer the world. So I put myself in uncomfortable situations. I made friends with people who were different than me in every possible way. I said no to things that were draining for me to do. Through those decisions, I started writing more, freeing up time to be creative, reading books that made my soul happy and cultivated relationships that are truly meaningful.
It might be easy to hold onto your comfortable ways but take that leap of faith and know that something will catch you. Stand in the rightness of your vision and show up to do what you’re meant to do on this earth.
Moral of the story is that if you’re not happy with where you are or if you feel lost, know that you have the power from within to change (yes, I’m totally channeling my inner Oprah right now!). There is a world of people out there and you don’t owe it to anyone to stay stuck in the same spot. You don’t owe anyone an explanation. You don’t need permission. Who says you can’t start brand new today? The people who don’t support or empower you are simply not your people. And that’s okay. Keep moving onward, you’ll be too busy building your dreams anyways to care.