It’s hard to start anything new. Moving away from the familiar into an abyss of questions and uncertainty is both thrilling and absolutely terrifying. To me, trying new things and challenging myself has always been in my nature. Like that one time, I tried out for the dance team with zero experience and not a clue what a hair donut was. Even now, it’s like the curious 7 year old me has never left. I’m always constantly seeking and putting action behind my thoughts and ideas because that’s the only way to understand myself and what I really want. But this might not come as easily to some (and there’s nothing wrong with that!). These are some personal ways that I move forward towards a new venture and/or experience.
- Be clear on why you want to do that new thing. Is it because you’re truly unhappy with your current situation? Is it because you are ready to allow more creativity into your life? Is it because you are just curious and want change? Make sure it’s for a good reason, have clear and positive intentions. Doing something to prove to someone or impress a certain group is, in my opinion, a recipe for disaster.
- Gather a posse of supportive people. Humans are created to bond and connect. Without support, it’s really hard to step into the unknown. You don’t need a 20 person clique, just people who are genuinely rooting for you. It could be as simple as an encouraging boyfriend or an online community of people that are just as driven and like minded.
- Devote yourself to learning. The beginning of any new craft or skill or experience is always always the hardest. There’s a learning curve and there’s a lot of resistance at times. But once you break through that, I’m telling ya.. It’s hard to stop. When you feel fired up and so good about a certain project you’re working on, things flow and learning becomes easier and easier.
- Put action behind the talk. Yes you can read articles, study the best in that field, attend webinars, and listen to countless podcasts but what takes you from point A to B is ACTION. You start something new and unfamiliar because you want to become skillful at something or obtain a certain feeling right? Right. So learn but take those baby action steps. Taking action is like the water to your soil. Make sure you’re pouring it. (Yay for metaphors!)
Continue to chase your curiosity and don’t be afraid to step into the unknown!