How I’m Planning My BIG Goals for 2019!

Besides sleeping in on weekend mornings, there is nothing I love more than the first day of a new year! For 2019, I’m letting you in on what I’ll be doing to reflect and set BIG goals & intentions. I’ll keep it short (as much as I can!) and simple so let’s dive in!   

Whether you’re a seasoned goal setter or you simply like to write down your top three things on a post-it note, find something that works for you. My methods of goal setting might not be right for you but I want to share my process so that maybe you can use or implement some of them into your strategy. 

I like to call myself a hybrid goal setter. Since I”m multi-passionate, it’s no surprise that my method of goal setting involves using ideas from different sources and people. For example, I’ll be using the 10/10/1 strategy from Rachel Hollis this year, a little workbook from The Desire Map, etc. Every year I like to refine my goal planning strategy and get rid of anything that doesn’t help and add in any templates that I find helpful. 

But what doesn’t change is the fact that I use my Google drive account and have a saved powerpoint (google slide) where I leave all my reflections and goals. Again, some people might prefer writing it out in a journal or board but for me, I love the idea of having all the goals in one solid place. A place that I know will not get lost amidst the chaos of life. It’s easy for me to look up and keep open on my desktop, too. So I highly recommend that you do that! Plus, it’s really fun to be able to read goals in the previous years that I made. 

Also, I like to spend a whole day (8 hours) doing work on my personal goals. For example, I’ll take myself on a nice date to either the library or a local cafe. There, I’ll dive deep into setting my goals and intentions for the new year! But before that date with myself, I like to prep a week or two before. I write out and organize anything I need to so that I don’t waste precious time when I’m at the cafe. Let’s get into the nitty gritty! 

Methods I will be using (organizing through google docs):

Reflection work in google doc~

So first off; before I dig deep into setting goals. I like to review my previous year. It’s the last time I’ll think deeply about last year, so I make it count. I ask & answer myself these three questions on a dedicated slide on google:


During this time, I also like to see look back at some reflections and goals that I made in the past with a grateful heart. To have the power of hindsight and perspective, it really brings a lot of gratitude into my heart. 

  1. What did I do, create or experience this year that I’m really proud of? Big and little things. Write it down! We are too critical of ourselves. Go into the new year with energy! Look through your planner/calendar for ideas!
  2. What mistakes did I make that taught me something? What lessons did I learn that I can leverage? Really important. How can i make my mistakes valuable?
  3. What am I willing to let go of? Things that have been hanging around that you don’t truly need. Goals, projects, commitment, etc. declutter inside, resentments, anger, guilt, shame, embarrassment, mindsets. What are the stories that no longer serve you?

For example: 


This is another way to think back and start the process of creating a better habit or routine for the future. This is an exercise that I adopted from the one and only, Tony Robbins. I’ve been doing this for a few years and for this exercise I really think about the HABITS that I want to implement that will get me to my next level. *

  1. Name an area of your life you want to be improved and describe what that area is like. Be specific. I pick 4 but you can choose as much as you’d like. Home/family life, relationship, spiritual, physical, financial, professional/business, education, travel.
  2. Name the rituals that have put you there.
  3. Be specific on what you what.
  4. What are the rituals that will get me there? Can do specific time and consistently

For example; this is one is for financial. I answer the four questions above and then repeat that same thing with another area in my life, like spiritual. Again, do this for as many areas as you’d like.  

#2. Financial.

  1. Feeling still a bit lost with savings. I need to get a system going and automated.
  2. Not reviewing consistently or thoroughly, not setting aside time to do research.
  3. I want for Myles and I to feel confident in our knowledge and financial status.
  4. To meet up with a financial advisor via phone or in person. To review thoroughly every week. To set time in Janrary to get all finances reviews and automated.


This one is really fun; so the purpose of this exercise is to get your creativity and brain muscles fired up. The intent is for you to bring yourself into the future. Pretend that you just had the BEST 2019 (new year) EVER and that you’re only now reflecting on it. What does it look like? Write it in the past tense, and tune in on how you feel. Hopefully, you feel excited, hopeful and ready to take action! 

My “Performance Review” (future) – Write out what I’d love to have cultivated in a year as if I was reviewing my “best” year yet.

3-5 things that I did that was AMAZING for my business:

3-5 things that I did that was amazing for my loved ones:

3-5 things that I did that was amazing for myself:

3-5 things that was amazing for my health:

3-5 things that was amazing for my education:

Now; that was a lot of work! But hang in there! Below, I’ll be sharing with you some resources and methods for the actual GOAL SETTING that I’ll be following and my thoughts on them! 

  • Desire Map Workbook. I will be finishing the Desire Map Workbook by Danielle Laporte. If you haven’t read or heard about this book. It’s about time, my love. This book transformed the way that I see goal setting. I love hitting big goals and numbers but what this book taught me is to really focus in on the FEELINGS that I want to have during the process and when I actually achieve a goal. It’s about choosing the kinds of feelings that I WANT over just setting goals. It’s such a beautiful way of looking at manifesting a life that is truly aligned with what’s important. Because it’s not about the actual goal but the feelings that come with it. How POWERFUL, right? So if you have some extra time this winter break, read this book and implement it as soon as you can 🙂 Let it be your guiding star as you set your big goals for this new year! 
  • 10/10/1 Rule by Rachel Hollis  .Okay, I’m excited to really dig into this exercise by Rachel Hollis. This is actually going to be the one where I set my goals on and base my entire system off of this year. It’ll be a new one for me but I can’t help but have good feelings about it! If you haven’t yet, I say go listen to this podcast where she talks about her 10/10/1 method (so that you can fully understand the concept of this). I’ll be executing it on my google docs account.

Here’s a quick breakdown, in my own interpretation.  

  1. Grab a new journal or write this in your google slides (i’ll be doing this) You write out what your dream life would look like in 10 years. Now, this will take some visualizing. Find a spot you love, get still and close your eyes. After a few minutes; write down everything that you can think of that you want your life to be in 10 years. 
  2. Next, from that list, write out 10 dreams you have for yourself and your most fulfilled and happiest life. Try to have them for different aspects of your life (health, family, career etc) 
  3. Pick one goal to work on for that quarter (this is my own spin on it). Rachel thinks that there is power in focus; when we have too many ambitions, nothing gets accomplished. So picking one goal for a quarter is an amazing way to see a goal all the way through.  
  • Living Well Planner (as my main planner)~ Now let’s talk planners! This is totally optional but I am using a really well rounded and organized planner to help keep me on track with my goals. I will be using this in conjunction to my 10/10/1 goals. This planner comes with its own sets of goal setting methods and I’ll use it but it’ll be mostly a compliment to my goals on my google docs account. Again, this is totally optional. You can probably get a regular planner or use whatever you’d like; this is what I personally want to use so that I can get the most out of my year and stay even more organized and clear. This planner comes with meal planning, budget sheets and more so I’m excited to have it with me for 2019! 

Now last but not least, I’ll be using Amy Porterfield’s Roadmap, for business planning and creating a separate google slide for it. I’ll be using this to reflect and set intentions for Coconut Whisk this year. Feel free to grab her freebie and use it for yourself!

When it comes to planning as a couple; I’m using Cultivate What Matters Couples Guide! I’m so excited for this and have heard really good things so I’m planning on doing this last before the new year starts 🙂 

Main point is that I use different methods but I organize it in google docs. I refine every single year and I do what works for me. Some years, I take things off, some years, I want to try different methods. But most importantly, I keep it organized in a powerpoint on google drive. 

That is all! Thanks for reading and I hope that helped! Please reach out if you have any questions! 

bring on 2019,
