Wanna get the scoop on the best non-fiction books & a quick summary on each one?
Introducing my new blog series called #5MINUTEBOOKRECAP . I know the name is real creative.
I love reading. I’m obsessed with books because I truly think that READERS ARE LEADERS.
But, let me keep it real.. I love the CONCEPT of reading. I love the idea of sitting on my couch with 3 cozy blankets, my napping pups, a warm cup of tea, a stack of books, and me reading for hours 🙂 BUT.. that really doesn’t happen as often as I’d like. If I’m lucky I can squeeze in maybe 10 minutes in the morning and a solid 10 minutes at night before bed. So that’s the tea.
That’s where my #5MINUTEBOOKRECAP series comes in. This is for all those who love the idea of reading but can’t find the time to read a whole damn book a month. For those who can read 3-4 books per month… you deserve a round of applause.
So how does this #5MINUTEBOOKRECAP work? Every week, I’ll share with you a new book summary and my thoughts on how it applies to my life. Not only do you get 3 lessons but you also get the scoop on my thoughts or how I’ll personally take action on the concepts from the book.
There’s plenty of book summary platform and content out there but what you’ll get here that you won’t get anywhere else is:
- The best and most relevant lessons from each book
- How it specifically applies to my life as a new college grad, self-made entrepreneur and 24-year-old gal who’s trying to figure it all out
- Honest thoughts and reviews
- I only review books that are non-fiction, timeless, impactful and relevant to my life and hopefully yours!
Sound like a good deal? Alright if so.. let’s get this party train going.
This book isn’t a blue-print and step-by-step book on how to make your next million through real estate investing or shady deals. It really dives deep into limiting money beliefs and how to overcome them by shifting your mindset towards the all-mighty dolla. I believe this is a fundamental book for reaching your financial goals so really pay attention here. I actually read this book years ago but with the help of Blinkist, I got to get a quick audio recap of it and now, I get to share that recap with you in my own words 🙂
3 lessons:
- Your relationship with money is important. And we need to understand that money isn’t good or bad, it’s neutral. What you do with it and the meaning you give it is what gives it importance.
- If you’re in a shitty place in life. Truly start taking action. That starts with changing your thought process. Improve your situation in life by putting out positive energy and thoughts. Sounds woo woo and you’ve heard it a million times but really grasp that concept. Process shortcomings or challenges and even failure in a positive way. Learn from it. And lastly, if you want a vacation, don’t just sit there thinking you’ll never be able to afford one. Say HOW can I afford one? Then instead of buying junk food to feel instant gratification, you can put that extra money towards a vacation savings fund instead. Baby steps, love.
- Make SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely) goals and be specific about what you want! For example, Jim Carrey wrote himself a 10 million dollar check that he said he’d cash in within 3 years. He was broke as a joke and not anywhere near his career goals at the time. But guess what? 3 years later, he landed his biggest role and got to cash in that big ole’ check of his. Sounds like one lucky guy but I also think it’s the work and effort he put in and the opportunities he capitalized on!
In conclusion, this book is BADASS. It really shifts your mindset and pumps you up to go for your dreams. This book is a great foundation for leveling up your money game but you have to take it into your own hands and go out there and take action. Lastly, my favorite takeaway is to “spend time in places and do activities that align with your ideal life”. That means stop hanging around the same people doing the same thing, complaining about the same problems if it ain’t getting you anywhere.
And that concludes it!
be kind, eat your veggies and make that cash money,