“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination” – A. Einstein
Heya! Tell me. When was the last time you did something just for the fun of it? You know, when you did something not because it was a means to an end but because you just wanted to? Okay, it might not be hard for you to think of some playful moments but my question is– do you think you get enough of that?
As I was reading Essentialism by Greg Mckeown, I came to this chapter about play. I thought, “okay.. what does play have to do with anything about productivity”. But to my surprise, it has to do with A LOT.
Through play, we become more creative, thoughtful, explorative and inquisitive. It gives us the space to create and it actually boosts our executive function in the brain. According to Edward M Hallowell, a psychiatrist in brain science, those functions include “planning, prioritizing, scheduling, anticipating, delegating, deciding, analyzing- in short, most of the skills any executive must master in order to excel in business.”¹
I knew that rest and travel was important but I didn’t exactly know why. But now I know, when you do things out of sheer enjoyment, the benefits help you do more than simply recharge. It helps you wake up and actually allow inspiration to come.
So I guess this article just validates the fact that I should be traveling more and be riding more roller coasters (hello Disney world?). Whether it’s dancing in front of your mirror, singing in the shower, making a scrapbook or baking a new cupcake recipe– make time to play. What did you do for fun as a kid? Maybe start there and set aside time to do it every day! I know I will be from now on.
As always, thanks so much for reading! I pour my hearts out onto these blog entries so if you enjoyed it, I would love to hear feedback or even better, send this to someone who could use this article.
Until next time,
- Edward M. Hallowell, Shine: Using Brain Science To Get the Best from Your People (Boston: Harvard Business Review Press, 2011), 125.