10 Things I Learned at the 2017 Minnesota Blogger Conference

Minnesota blogger conference and coffee

This was my first time at the MN Blogger Conference and let me tell ya, I had way more fun than I thought I would. Yes waking up at 6:30 am on a Saturday morning was not cute (thank you coffee for being there for me) but boy it was worth it. I got to meet some instagram friends (unexpectedly) AND dive into content writing, marketing, brand outreach and all things blogging. 

I’m here to spill all the nuggets of gold that I learned at the MN Blogger Conference so that  y o u  don’t have to regret not going to this year’s 8+ hour conference 🙂 Hope you find this list both inspiring and helpful! 

Minnesota Blogger Conference



 10 things that I learned


  1. Know who you’re writing for

Create an imaginary friend that you want every blog post to speak to. Know her like she’s your sister. 

Here’s a worksheet from the amazing Jasmine Star on creating a profile for your ideal reader. Click this downloadable to get your copy. Side note: this is for ideal clients in photography but it works the same for any field! 

2. Be consistent and commit to blogging 

There’s no such thing as an overnight success. Blogging takes hard work and time (derp, no surprise there). Make a schedule. For me, I write on the weekends and post on Wednesday every week. Organize your content calendar (I just use google docs). And hold yourself accountable to posting on schedule. 

3. Don’t be in it only for the guap/ cha ching/ mula/ money/ cash

It’s true that you can make money, scale your business, work with amazing brands and land really sweet deals. But that doesn’t happen until you produce valuable content to share. You have to love what you’re doing or else it’s going to be a looong and sad trip to the top. Find what makes your heart sing when you write and share from there.

4. Write from a place of vulnerability and authenticity

List and how to’s are good but so is being real with your audience. Life isn’t pumpkin spice cupcakes and coffee dates. It’s a contrast of really good and really bad. I’m working on this too but I think there’s something so important about writing from a place of truth. Don’t be afraid to show your audience what’s making you sad or what you’re struggling with. Know a balance between being practical and raw. Don’t allow your blog to be a big ball of sadness either. Just keep it 100. Share what you want to share (like a personal story or something tough you’re working on) but also have a take away that your reader can leave with.  

5. Brands are looking for influencers and bloggers

This could really be a full-time career if you know how to diversify and of course work really hard at it. There were PR reps at the conference and to me, it made being a blogger even more legitimate. It’s not something that’s simply a fun hobby, it can be something that will allow you to have freedom of time & full creative expression. Companies know that having an audience and influence in a specific niche is p o w e r f u l. If you want to be a blogger, know that there’s many opportunities out there. 

6. Community is everything

Going to an event like this made me even more excited to dive into this world of influence and blogging. There’s a world of people out there just like you. I couldn’t tell you how many like-minded and talented people who I’ve met through social media and blogging. Start by joining creative networks like TC Collective and The Rising Tide Society. Go to events. And don’t be afraid to meet IRL. At the end of the day, we blog to deeply connect with others.

7. Know your value 

Free stuff is awesome but it’s not going to pay the bills. Know that you offer real value to companies and be sure to stand your ground when you offer your rates. A good place to sum up what you can charge per promotion is by using Social Blue Book. If a company reaches out to you, politely ask them what their budget is and that you only have time for paid partnerships. You’re not a diva because you want to be respectfully compensated for your time & energy (just like anything else in life ya know?)

8. Businesses are looking for specific niches

Find your sweet spot and thrive there. If you’re a young mommy who loves organic products, that makes it easy for a brand to say “YES, she’s the one” so don’t be afraid to get specific. But also don’t be afraid to allow your brand and blog to evolve. Remember, you never need permission to change your life’s focus (or in this case, blog). It’s your space baby. Make it who you are at the moment. 

Moral of this section– businesses LOVE bloggers and influencers who have a specific niche. 

9. Make your blog post “web reader friendly”

No one really reads your blog post word for word anymore (if you do, you are my hero). Readers on the web are now skimming. So the way you format your written content is important. If you look through this post, take some notes because I did everything with intention. I have an intro, body, conclusion. I also have headers that summarize the section and I use bold and italics to really help the reader stay focused on the important stuff. All of which you should be implementing into your blog posts 🙂

10. Blog because you’re truly passionate about sharing your ideas 

In my opinion, blogging is not something you do because you want to GAIN something, whether it’s money or followers (I mean they’re both great of course but never the most important!) The most important mindset to have when owning a blog is what you can GIVE. It’s about what you can add to the conversation and how you can contribute value to someone’s life. With that attitude, I think that’s when you manifest the best opportunities and successes. 


For me, I don’t think there’s anything better than having a space where I can creatively express myself. That’s what blogging is— a creative expression of  YOU. It’s not a get rich quick scheme. It’s not something you do because you think you’ll be a millionaire tomorrow. You do it because you want to share your light and experiences with the world. It’s stepping into your truth and owning your imperfect journey. It’s about being real in a world where everyone seems to have their shit together.

I do it because it makes me genuinely happy. If I get to empower, inspire or encourage another person to live more freely and authentically (all through writing, videos and stories)– that’s pure gold to me. Those who support you are your people, those who don’t and want to be trolls, well, they’re not meant to be in your life. period. So I’m here to encourage you to go on and express yourself. It might not be through blogging but I dare you to let your light shine and to never stop for anyone who tries to dim that. Your story is important and you are MORE than qualified to create whatever you want to create and share that. 


If this was helpful in any way, please be sure to pin and share it up! I’ll be here cheering you on so let me know how I can help!


Create and dream on, 




  1. Kelly | @DiningDuster

    great recap! Unfortunately, I didn’t make it this year but I learned so much last year when I attended! Self-employed and after my busy season ends (Christmas) I’m excited to get a good blogging streak going again!
    P.S. Newly plant-based (Jan 6) and we live in Mankato!

    1. bellalam12

      Hey Kelly! Thanks for taking the time to read this! I learned a lot at the conference and so I was more than happy to share! That’s so cool how you live in Mankato AND is into plant based living! Where’s your favorite vegan spot here? 😀

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