Let me tell you a little secret. It takes effort for me to be a morning person. To simply put it, I mean that I could sleep in until noon if I had the chance. But from my own little research, the early birds do really get the worms. So I push myself to wake up early every single day (besides Sundays) so that I can set myself up for a productive and efficient day. I do my best to wake up at least at 7 am every morning. To kick start my day, I have a pretty strict morning routine that I devote my morning to. I swear by this routine and so I’m eager to share it with you! I believe in routines, not schedules; so I don’t have time limits on these activities, I just listen to my body and where my mind is at the moment. Here are my rituals (mostly in order):
1. I wake up and drink a really big glass of ICE cold water.
2. I spend 15-20 minutes practicing yoga, meditating and visualizing what I want (I’ll be creating a whole new post about this subject and elaborate on how I do that)
3. I go brush my teeth and do my bathroom business. I know exciting right!?
4. I make myself a green smoothie and have a carb filled breakfast (think oatmeal or toast with PB)
5. I write in my online journal and reflect about what happened the day before, any thoughts or feelings that I’m holding or simply what I ate for breakfast. This is the time for me to be unfiltered and as messy as I want.
6. I get inspired. Whether it’s looking up quotes on Pinterest, reading from the latest book I’m into or watching a video– I fuel my mind for the day by digesting some really bomb dot com content from amazing people.
So there it is. That’s the routine that I’ve been following for years now. Whether I’m out of town or in the comfort of my own home, I do my best to get my morning routine in, no matter how short it may be at times. One more thing! I do my best to never check my phone until I am done with my morning routine. This is your sacred space. Protect it. Don’t let the thoughts, events and distractions from the outside world influence you the first thing in the morning. It can wait, I promise!
Hope you enjoyed this post! If you did, be sure to share it and let me know what you do in the morning that fires you up for the day! I am always willing to try new things for my AM routine.
Until next time,
Umm yes! Love your morning routine: not too much, just right.
I’m still in the process of creating an “effective” morning routine for myself, so I’m taking notes. Lol
Thanks for sharing,
I’m trying to get a morning routine going and this has some good advice! I’m definitely more productive in the a.m., so that’s a good start. 😉
Looks like a powerful way to start the day mindfully. Nice work.