Being impulsive can obviously have its negative drawbacks. But I don’t think it’s all that bad either, especially if you use it to your advantage. I wouldn’t label it as being impulsive. The term “starter” is a better fit I think. If I have one true talent, it would be that I’m a starter. It’s really awesome and all when I have to take the first step towards any goal. But I have to admit, I struggle with the part when things need maintenance or when it gets tough. It’s something that I constantly have to work at– staying persistent and committed to my goals and not jumping onto the next shiny idea. I think this is where most people struggle with too.
But in attempt to pep myself up and feel not as burdened by this somewhat of a personality flaw (holla if you’re one too!). Here are some positives to being a starter:
Regret isn’t in your dictionary. Yes, you might feel like you’ve lost time but it’s better than having the feeling of “what if”. Better an “oops” than a “what if” right?
You learn A LOT about yourself. You don’t learn by acquiring ideas and make believe scenarios, you learn and grow by doing. By just taking that initial leap, you are already on the right path.
You are one step closer to your real purpose. You can be confident that with each project or idea that you try, that it’ll lead you to what really matters.
With all that being said, I know it’s easy for us starters to jump from one thing to the next. Be careful with that and be sure to listen to yourself and really assess before you move onto the next idea. But big big props to you for allowing yourself to be curious and brave. Another thing, the most freeing thing that I’ve learned is to not worry about what others might think. They might say that you’re confused, flaky, or even childish. But no my dear friend, you are child- LIKE. You are learning, evolving, changing and expanding– and you have every right to change paths and make mistakes along the way. Listen to yourself and the rest is history.