Ahh my blog has been nominated for the Liebster Award by The Nourished Life!
I’m so flippin honored to have been recognized by a fellow blogger. It’s not everyday that I get recognized for the time and energy put into my blog so this was definately a happy surpise!
Hold up for just one second. What is the Liebster Award?
It’s a virtual award passed from bloggers to bloggers. It exists as a way for people to support one another by recognition.
If you are nominated, these are the rules you follow:
So, let’s get down to business.
Thank you so much, Hayley from A Nourished Life. You are a light!
Now, let’s meet Hayley!
Hi there, I’m Hayley, the content creator behind A Nourished Life. I am passionate about making healthy eating easier and even more delicious. I believe that we all could all eat more of these 5 things: fruit, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and plant protein. Don’t know where to start? That’s ok. It is enough to be a person looking to feed your body well and be willing to surround yourself with positive people and resources. You’ve got this! Cheers to living A Nourished Life.” – Hayley
Now let’s dive on into the fun questions and festivities. Below, I answer some questions and spill some things you might not know about me!
- What motivates you to keep up blogging and why?
To be honest, I’m motivated by the goals that I set for myself. Of course, the encouragment and feedback from my community means the WORLD to me. But I’m innately driven to fulfill what I set out to do. I made a promise to myself to post once a week (4 times a month) every month on Wednesdays and that’s how I’ve been able to deliver and keep going.
2. What would be the most amazing adventure you could ever go on?
Ahhh. I love this question. The most amazing adventure I could ever go on is any with my family. I would love to go back to Vietnam, to the town where I was born, so that I can connect to my roots again.
3. What songs have you completely memorized/ often get stuck in your head?
Right now, Ocean Eyes by Billie Jean. Her voice is so soothing and I need more of anything that can calm me down in my life ( ;
4. If you had an extra 4 hours in your day, how would you use it?
I would most likely use it to spend my time with Myles. Do some more day trips and fun couple activities. We spend time together but I think we all need more quality time with our loved ones more than ever before — with zero distractions.
5. What are the small things, the little joys that cheer your up?
I’m really simple. I get excited about finding discounted kale at the grocery store. Going for a walk outside could be the highlight of my day. Sitting down and reading, that makes me happy. I do my best to seek out the little things in life to be grateful for all day err day.
6. What are 3 things you do to relax and clear your head?
Yoga, meditation, journaling. I also do these 3 things every morning!
7. What fad or trend do you wish would come back?
I wish I could say I have one in mind but I don’t. But if I had to choose, could we do more rollerskating rinks? I’d like that a lot actally lol.
8. You’re stranded on a desert island and you can only bring 5 items with you. What would they be?
Myles (even though he’s not an item), my ipad with 1000+ ebooks, sleeping bag (i need my sleep), cooking utensils and my toilettires.
9. What is your go-to meal when you’re short on time?
A hefty smoothie with a combo of veggies and fruits. Did you know you can add cauliflour to your smoothie and NOT taste it? you’re welcome.
10. Tell us about something you are really good at?
Organizing. Give me anything and I’ll put things in order for ya!
11. What is the most valuable thing blogging has taught you?
Consistency and commitment. Blogging can sometimes feel like you’re talking to a wall, espeicially in the beginning. It feels like a lot of work with no reward. But it has taught me to keep writing and creating. Not for recognition but for sheer enjoyment. It’s given me purpose and the confidence to share. And that’s all a girl really needs : )
- English is actually my second language.
- I thought I was an extrovert all my life until recent years.
- I taught vinyasa yoga on campus during my Junior year of college.
- My mom has a huge entreprenuial spirit and I think I’ve inherited that from her. I’m also a lot like her and my brother is a lot like my dad (chill and super laid back haha)
- When I was 11, I made my first Youtube video about make-up and quickly deleted it because I wanted to wait until I was older and made more sense lol.
- I was CEO (camp leader) at a business camp when I was a sophomore in highschool. Shout out to Minnesota Business Venture!
- I tried out for the dance team in 8th grade and made it on the team with ZERO experience. Being on the team for 4 years shaped my work ethic and it was a really big part of my life back then!
- For years, I used to watch Food Network everyday after school. Oh and I was around 10 years old lol!
- I weightlift a few times a week, not many people probably know that!
- I want to adopt another pup within the next few years
- I took a test in a book called SuperWoman RX and it said that I’m a blend of a creative and business chick. That explains why I love my quiet time to create yet also have the ability to excecute ideas. Are you like that too? (let me know in comments!)
Kelsey from EverMe Coaching
Kelsey is a career and life coach that works with determined millennial women who want to lead purposeful, intentional and creatively designed lives and careers. In other words, she helps you create a life built by your heart and not your head. Her blog focuses on personal development, professional development and intentional goal setting and reflection. Kelsey lives and works in St. Paul, MN. When she’s not with coaching clients or blogging (now vlogging!), you can find her with her husband and snorkie dog.
Lexi from Educating Earthlings
Lexi is a wellness blogger living in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She is a full time nanny of two cutie pies and spends the rest of her time creating recipes and expanding her wellness toolkit to help others expand theirs! Her goal is to show you how to improve your overall wellness by choosing to live with kindness, compassion and awareness. She creates high vibe content including plant based recipes, wellness tips and mindful practices.
Juniper & Indigo
Sedona is the avid adventure seeker behind Juniper & Indigo. She’s a college student studying marketing and sustainability in the twin cities, as well as a travel fanatic, photography aficionado, and a major foodie. J&I is the passion project combining all of these things, as she writes articles providing travel tips and city guides, vegan recipes, and lifestyle articles based in ethical consumerism.
Kylie Feltes
Kylie is a joyful twenty five year old working in her yoga pants on her Direct Sales business and her business + lifestyle blog. Her passion for health, wellness, beauty, and sharing the inspiration is the core of her businesses. Minnesota and Wisconsin are home to Kylie, and she currently is on an adventure in small town Arkansas with her fiancé/best friend ever. Life is good in yoga pants!
Meet Alex Stalberger, holistic lifestyle blogger and coach. This quirky gal is on a mission to bring our beloved Twin Cities to the next level. Challenging the common idea that the path to success is laden with stress, coffee-only diets, and burnout. Alex boldly leads influencers to approach success holistically. Alex’s blog, SuccessfWhole, is filled with tips for bringing powerful wellness into the workplace, totally nourishing plant-based recipes, exercises for personal growth, and connection with other influencers who are succeeding through balance, not burnout.
HERE ARE MY QUESTIONS FOR EACH NOMINEE (which they will answer in their own blog post so be sure to be following them!) :
- What motivated you to start a blog?
- What were you like as a kid?
- What are your strengths?
- If you had an extra 4 hours in your day, how would you use it?
- What the small things, the little joys that cheer your up?
- What are 3 things you do to relax and clear your head?
- What are some qualities about yourself that you love most? (don’t need to be humble here hehe!)
- You’re stranded on a desert island and you can only bring 5 items with you. What would they be?
- What is your go-to meal when you’re short on time?
- Are you working on any big ideas?
- What is the most valuable thing that blogging has taught you?
Well, there you have it. Thank you to all who are participating and passing this award along. Check out all the wonderful bloggers in this post. Let’s continue to cheer each other on and be one another’s biggest fans!