Top 5 Morning Habits For Anxious Minds

5 morning rituals for anxious minds | self love tips | anxiety help | self care | morning habits | healthy habits|

I talk about how I set myself up for a successful day through self-care and stillness. Here, you’ll find out how I spend my morning in order to maximize my work day. I try to do all these before checking my phone or email!

Even if I have to show up at 6:30 am, I wake up as early as possible to do my morning routine because if not, I swear I’m off the whole entire day! I mean it. I am one HOT mess.

I have generalized anxiety. I’ve actually never announced that on the internet space. But yes, I do. But it doesn’t define me. No way Jose. It’s a “mild” case according to the school counselor that I visited last year but it’s still there.  It’s a normal part of me so I really can’t see the big hoopla about it and I know I’m not alone on this. Tbh, I still dont’ really get what anxiety is. It’s pretty vague to me. But I do know that my brain functions a bit different from others. For example, I have to take really deep deep breaths sometimes because I feel overwhelmed. It’s like I can’t breathe. Another symptom is that my mind never stops going. Not like in a hyper active way, I’m simply always thinking about what to do to move forward. It sounds great but it really never stops. Some say it’s called high performing anxiety but I never looked much into it.

Also I’m hyper sensitive. Emotions, energy, people, everything and anything. I’m acutely aware of it all. For a long time, I built thick walls around me so that I couldn’t be so vulnerable. But now, I celebrate that apect of me becaues hey, that makes me … well… me. Feeling deeply and whole heartedly has allowed me to live life in a state of awareness. Moral of the story, I hope whatever “flaw” you think you have, to embrace it. To fully love and accept it.

Back to anxiety. Well IMO, it’s getting better and I think the reason for it are the self-care rituals and practices that I’ve cultivated within the last few years.

The list below is what I do every single morning to keep myself centered, aligned and focused on who I want to be. I’m not saying I’ve turned into Gandhi and this stuff is earth shattering, all I’m saying is that this is what I have done and this is what has helped me the most. I hope you find a morning routine that gets YOU fired up too.

So here it is! BTW these are mostly put into order!

Top 5 Things To Do in The Morning If You have An Anxious Mind

1. Meditate & Yoga

I can’t highlight this practice enough. To get my blood flow moving and energy up, yoga is where I find relief. After my 10 minute flow, I end it with a meditation practice. I sometimes can sit in the silence or what I like to do is think about three things: 1. who I want to be that day (confident, courageous, brave) 2. what/who im grateful for 3. visualize how I want my day/ future to look like. This combo is my favorite way to get my mind and body aligned. It’s also a great time to set your intention (not what you want to do, but how you want to BE) for the day.

2. Journal

Whether it’s a physical journal or an online diary, write. Write with no filter, write with effortless ease. Let your thoughts flow. If you need assistance, write a template ahead of time to help guide your writing.

3. Fuel yourself up

When I hear people go about their days without a proper breakfast, my jaw drops. I don’t know about you, but I NEED food in the morning. It’s one of the top reasons why I look forward to mornings. My breakfast of choice is a nutrient dense green smoothie. I’ve been using grapefruit, kale, organic ground flax seed, cinnamon and it’s so flippin refreshing! Whatever you’re routine is, don’t skip breakfast! Try to have it within 90 minutes of waking up. Your body will thank you!

4. Read something uplifting

I wish I could say that I spend 30 minutes every morning reading but in reality I spend like 5 minutes. I’m currently reading “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff… and it’s all small stuff by Dr. Carlson” and the book consists of short and uplifting chapters that help put things into perspective. Having something encouraging to read in the morning for 5 minutes really helps shift your day. 10/10 recommend it.

5. Write out your top 3’s

Last but not least, I grab my planner and a post-it note to write my Top 3 priorities of the day. Sometimes I do this the night before but if not, I do it as soon as I finish my reading. The three things that I’ve listed are what I consider top of my to-do. If anything gets done that day, it’s that list.


And there you have it! My way of keeping myself aligned and grounded everyday. I’m always looking for different ways to optimize my morning so if you have any practices that I didn’t mention, let me know below! 

We all have our quirks and sometimes our “conditions” seem impossible to handle. But you, my friend, have the control. You might not have control over everything, but you always have control over your thoughts and actions. With that being said, cultivate those practices that make every day a little easier. For my anxious mind, my morning routine has been the foundation for me when it comes to fostering a happy and balanced life.

green kale and Gandhi,



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I talk about how I set myself up for a successful day through self-care and stillness. Here, you'll find out how I spend my morning in order to maximize my work day. I try to do all these before checking my phone or email!|| bellalam