I don’t know when I started listening to podcasts but all I can say is that I’m real glad I did. It might have been 6 months ago but I wish I would have started sooner. The value and convenience of them are incomparable. And did I mention that they’re free?
So that means you can get free knowledge streaming in your ears at any time of the day. Now that’s a good deal to me. If you haven’t started already, try out a podcast or two. I gauruntee, it’s going to be worthwhile.
Today, I’m sharing my top 5 Podcast stations that I’m absolutely lovin. Some were recently discovered while others are oldies but goodies.
Top 5 Podcasts (in no order)
- Entrepreneur Before 25
Chelann Gienger is the host of this impactful business podcasts. If you’re a millenial trying to build a brand or business, this is your golden ticket. Chelene is a 21 year old entreprenuer and author. She co-owns a juice bar with her brother and her drive to chase her goals is beyond aspirational. Every week she interviews some badass business leaders and it’s all practical advice too. I especially love this podcast because as a 22 two year old entrepreneur & blogger with some big dreams, I need to constantly be surrounding myself with people my age with the same values and visions. And this podcast helps me do just that!
2. Goal Digger
Ahh. This is a classic. This podcast by Jenna Kutcher is the first that I’ve listened to and subscribed on. Jenna’s podcast includes everything from marketing to photography to social media tidbits. She’s a cup of sunshine so be prepared for lots of bubbliness and enthusiasm. She’s gives so much value with each episode that it’s hard to not tune in every week.
3. The School Of Greatness
Lewis Howes. Oh man. Along with having a total man crush on him, he’s a total boss. He’s a lifestyle entrepreneur who has built from ground up a mega successful brand for himself. The podcast he runs includes interviews with the most amazing leaders and solo segments. For his guests, think Tony Robbins, Mel Gibson, Danielle LaPorte, Etc Etc. (killer lineup I know..) His standards for himself and those around him are contagious and he brings only the best of the best on his shows. I know that if I tune in to his podcast, it’s always going to inspire & motivate me.
4. Earth To Us
This one is to all my fellow vegans or even non-vegans out there. Evan Oliver and Hannah McNeely hosts this thought-provoking podcast that includes all things eco-friendly, veganism and wellness. They’re fun & welcoming and every episode is like your sitting down with good friends.
5. The Marie Forleo Podcasts
Oh Marie. She’s my homegirl and day one hero. Her podcast recently launched and most are recordings from her Youtube channel, MarieTV. But that’s not a bad thing– her podcasts eipodes include the best interviews, business strategies or career advice. She’s all about helping you create a business and life that you’ll love and does this by making sure every episode is concise and packed with value. So if you don’t want to watch her videos, listening to her podcasts is definately next best thing 🙂
That’s it for my list thus far. My hope is to create a list to post every month but make it more episode specific. Meaning I’ll have certain episodes that I’ll share that I think are pure g o l d.
Now, let’s talk podcasts! In the comments below, let me know what podcast that you’re listening to 🙂 I’d love to know!
man crushes and good friends,