Top 5 Things I Do To Deal With Stress & Overwhelm

5 things to do to help with stress

In this article, I’ll give you the scoop on what I do to deal with stress. As the holiday + new year approaches, it’s the perfect time to reflect on our self-care routines because we all know it’s the most wonderful (yet busiest) time of year!

I’m no stranger to stress. I can’t blame it on anyone or anything, I think I was born stressed lol. Unlike my BFFL, Abby, from college. Let me tell you about her. I love this gal pal to death and we both over our love for fitness, adventure and travel when we still lived in dorms. We had a lot in common. What did we not have in common? Welp. She doesn’t stress about anything. ANYTHING. Calm as a pickle. Always grounded and full of faith that everything will be okay.

Dang, Abby. You go, Abby.

Through self reflection and lots of soul work. I think my stress stems from anxiety. Feeling like I’m not doing enough, being enough, achieving enough. Like something bad might happen if I don’t keep truckin’ along. I’m getting better at this and I won’t get into a dramatic rant but I know that’s where my stress originates from. I encourage you to think about what is the root of yours. Are you trying to please others? Comparing yourself? What is it?

For me, I’m the one putting extra amounts of it on myself. Ever since I was a wee little kid.

The bad news is that I’m not in control of what stresses me out. Things can trigger me and my subconscious mind~ instantly. But the good news? I am 100% in control of my reaction, behaviors and actions. And that is a beautiful gift.

I’m not perfect with this but I’m practicing and the things that I’ll list down below are some habits that I’ve cultivated that help me stay grounded and ready when a stressful time or event arrives. It’s all about preventative care, so instead of fixing and tending to the problem, try to be one step ahead!

Here we go!

1. Keeping a clean + tidy home

Before I hop into bed to do some reading, I spend 10-15 minutes tidying my room, the bathroom or our living space. It’s relaxing to me and makes me feel that much better when I get to lay down in my bed. It’s mundane enough that I won’t get hyped or stimulated. An added bonus is that I wake up to a clean space that gives me serenity and energy for the new day ahead.

2. Taking the time to move my body every day

I went about 4-5 days without going to the gym or taking a walk outside (I did light yoga flows within those days but that wasn’t enough). By day 5, I was lethargic, sad and cynical. It might’ve been simply a busy week but I’m 90% sure it’s because I haven’t been moving my body. So to you, I say consciously schedule in 20-30 minutes a day moving your body. It can be running, power yoga, biking, walking outside~ whatever it is, prioritize it! This is anything new hear, I’m just regurgitating what’s out there already.

3. Making sure I only commit to things I really want to do (say NO more often)

When I feel that I’m stretched thin with time, I feel it. Like that one time, I thought it was a good idea to work all day and then go out with friends in the cities. I was daydreaming the whole night about hopping in bed with my fuzzy socks on, messy bun up high and You Are A Badass in hand. That’s all I wanted.

It’s more important to me than ever to view my time as sacred. I’m all about spontaneous this and that but I find myself feeling better and more engaged when I consciously agree to events, projects and experiences.

4. Doing one thing that brings me joy every night

For me, this changes depending on the season and mood, but I always love to hand journal every night, read a few pages from a book and make time to visualize. If I’m feeling fancy, I’ll practice some yoga in bed, put on a DIY face mask and nudge Myles to give me a little back massage : ) it’s the little things hehe.

5. Stay organized 

With clarity comes results. Sometimes it may seem like I have a million things to do (and that is usually the #1 cause of my stress) but when I actually write out a plan and list what I NEED to get done, it makes everything seem so much easier.

I try to keep it as simple as possible when it comes to goal setting and weekly planning. Find what works for you.

For me, the week before the 1st of every month, I do a reflection of my previous month (I simply write my thoughts in my journal), using my Conscious Planner~ I fill out my top 3 goals + 3 action steps that’ll help me accomplish those goals, I write out my monthly intentions and then I set up a content/work calendar for the whole month.

Then every Friday after, I plan out my next week + to do’s on my planner.

Every day, I plan out my day on a post-it note.

That’s what I do, if you have any questions or if you’re curious and want more details, please don’t hesitate to reach out via comment or email (

That’s it! Now, this list might stress you out because these are some things you currently aren’t implementing. But know that these are the answers. This is what I do to help with my stress. Yours can look totally different! I simply hope that you find something that is healthy but also that works for YOU!

be kind to yourself,
